Book Store

A collection of books Ryan or Brian would recommend for further study or devotion.

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7 books found


Strange Religion: How the First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, and Compelling

Author: Nijay Gupta
Published: 2024

The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition Reform

Author: Roger E. Olson
Published: 1999

Revelation’s Rhapsody: Listening to the Lyrics of the Lamb

Author: Robert A. Lowery
Published: 2023

Revelation Through Old Testament Eyes

Author: Tremper Longman III
Published: 2022

Revelation for the Rest of Us

Author: Scot McKnight
Published: 2023

Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

Author: G.K. Beale
Published: 2015

Breaking the Code: Understanding the Book of Revelation

Author: Bruce Metzger
Published: 2019